Hair loss is scary for everyone

I think particularly as a women experiencing this, it can be very overwhelming. There are a lot of “miracle ” cures out there that only end up draining your wallet. I tried a lot of them before coming to Padmaja.From the moment I walked in the door her kindly, professional demeanor put me at ease.During my first appointment I was impressed by the level of care Padmaja took in examining my scalp and devising a treatment plan. She patiently answered all my sceptical questionsAlready now after only a few weeks the condition and health of my scalp has transformed. I absolutely love the prescribed products too. I know that what I am putting on my scalp is really nourishing and is of high quality.


I encourage anyone with a problem similar to mine to use the help and skill of Pad to help you on your journey back.

Hello, my name is Julia and I’m from Hastings. I first started going to Pad in march with complete hair loss from alopicia as a result of stress through my job and my father passing away 2 years ago. I first went to a dermatologist specialist and had steriod injections in my skelp (man that hurt!!) and had no growth, I then went to a dietician to focus on my diet and that didn’t work either. I was then referred to Pad and after the first month I had some growth. This was a result of recommendations to my diet and some products that I decided to use. I then wanted to fast track my results so bought from America through Pad the cap (capillus) with lasers to activate the folicals back into life. I chose the middle priced one as it had more lasers to be more effective. After a couple of months my hair has started growing with colour coming through. She has now moved to Christchurch but I have familiy there and have recently been back for a check up. Pad also said if I can’t get down there all the time we can correspond through skype, email, text, calls and sometimes if she comes up to Napier she will time it to visit me there. I encourage anyone with a problem similar to mine to use the help and skill of Pad to help you on your journey back. Whether you are in Christchurch or anywhere else in NZ she will make it work and tailor the programme and correspondance to suit you. Thank you Pad for your expertise and specialising in this area as there is not much out there, you have given me hope that my hair will return xx If anyone would like to contact me to ask about this further just ask Pad for my email or phone details.


Dr Padmaja provides a wonderful service as a professional Trichologist

We are very lucky to have her in Chch! I have just started using her service after developing the first stages of hair thinning (female pattern baldness). I love the holistic approach to hair growth and health, which rightly promotes total body health from the inside out. The hair products she offers are top quality, and the laser sessions are very relaxing and therapeutic. She is your “one-stop shop” for any hair and scalp issues. It’s too early for me personally to start seeing results as I have only just begun my treatment (and it will be a few months before the new growth becomes obvious) but my hair is already in much better condition and feels so much better thanks to her advice and the personally tailored plan she prepared for me during the initial consultation. There is no comparable service offered in Chch (and probably not even in NZ), so take advantage! 🙂
Alaska L

Dr Padmaja at Hairmantra Clinic is extremely knowledgeable, friendly, and very caring.

Her service is excellent even across the country. She takes the time to help you and provide the best possible treatment plan. She understands that people need affordable options and does her best to give you those.

Thank you Pad, for helping me feel more confident about myself and for understanding my personal situation. It’s really hard when you feel like you are losing your hair and you really understand that.


The recommended treatments from Hairmantra are ‘Many’ and ‘Varied’.

I have been under the kind, caring and knowledgeable care of Dr Padmaja for almost a year now and can honestly recommend her and her treatments very highly. I sought her services out for significant hair thinning, after trying to find an answer to the cause, seeking advice from a specialist, GP, and many natural health practitioners and not having a holistic view of my hair health and the most effective way to reverse the problem. The medical approach was to prescribe me high dose hormones or Regaine and check for low thyroid/iron etc, not taking into account other parts of the hair loss puzzle. My trigger moment was when someone in the hair business recommended a hair piece or wig – I am very stubborn and just did not want to give up on myself/my hair, and wanted to actually fix the problem/s which were manifesting in my hair loss. The recommended treatments from Hairmantra are many and varied and include recommendations for my diet, vitamin/mineral supplement and increased water intake (to feed the hair), high quality products for hair and scalp care, scalp massage, and laser hair treatments, along with recommendations for stress reduction etc. So a very holistic approach. After almost a year we have seen a great improvement, I feel hopeful now after it being a huge source of stress, anxiety and fear for me. Don’t put off seeking help if you are losing hair, there can be things that can help.
Anna L