Traction Alopecia

This type of hair loss appears due to excessive pulling of hair and pressure on hair follicles. Traction Alopecia can be non-scarring or scarring that totally depends upon the hair follicle damage. Most common causes of traction alopecia are – very tight hairstyles for example tight ponytails, braids or dreadlocks. Other causes are excessive use of hair straightening chemicals, continuous use of hair extensions, frequent use of tight turban or cap that pull hair.

Especially the Africans are prone to suffer from Traction alopecia due to putting hair into tight buns. As person start getting old, hair follicles show the worn out impact and show traction signs.

Traction Alopecia CAusative factors – 

  • Long term use of tight head wraps/covers/caps
  • Repetitive use of hair extensions
  • Hair twisting into buns
  • Chemical usage to hair straightening
  • Using hot combs or rollers 
  • Braids, dreadlocks or tight ponytails

Traction Alopecia can be classified into acute and chronic type. 

Acute Traction Alopecia – results after any trauma such as car accident. During trauma hair gets pull suddenly and shows similar symptoms of hair loss. 

Chronic Traction Alopecia –  results due to continuous tension on hair follicles due to tight ponytails, braids or tight hair braids. It resembles receding hairline or central hair partition.

Treatment of Traction Alopecia- 

First consultation at Hairmantra Trichology clinic will help to find out the correct cause of hair loss. Regular follow ups will help to guide positive progress of Traction Alopecia.

Main aim of treatment will be to monitor hair follicle status If possible, always keep hair loose and open. Early state of Traction Alopecia is somewhat reversible if damage is not severe. Around 6-9 months take to recover from the early stage of Traction Alopecia.

  • Prevent tight hairstyles – Athletes, religion followers who need to tie hair tightly, army professionals or fashion industry people should avoid hair tightening practice as possible as they can.
  • Correct wigs – good quality wigs are safe for scalp health and eventually for hair follicles too
  • Hair Accessories – Don’t use plastic clips or pins at the same location of the scalp everytime to create traction. 
  • Adapt different hairstyles – To avoid pressure on certain parts of the scalp always change hair partition every few weeks
  • Excessive use of chemical products – limit yourself from using chemical products to perm or straighten your hair. Also hair gel and hair sprays could create hair tension after long term usage, so avoid it if possible.